George Washington University Publishing Program

The Graduate Program in Publishing and the GW University Press.

The Graduate Program in Publishing prepares students for managerial and leadership positions across all publishing industry segments and specialties through coursework and projects focused on editorial management and acquisitions, copyright and permissions, production and design, marketing and promotion, business and management, accessibility, audio publishing, technology, and more.

Publishing initiatives of the Graduate Program in Publishing are supported by the College of Professional Studies, George Washington Studies, and use the Manifold publihsing platform, including the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing, the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, the Student Journal Symposium for Research and Literary Publications, and the new GW University Press.

George Washington University Publishing Program
The Student Journal Symposium for Literary and Research Publications is an annual symposium of undergraduate and graduate student-led journals. Our goal is to foster conversation on best editorial, leadership, and community practices and discover how to support student publications. Topics include sustainable leadership, funding and support for student-led journals, inclusion, technology, accessibility, navigating AI in submissions and workflows, and more. This event is a chance for students, faculty, librarians, administrators, and others interested in student publications to engage in interactive workshops and round-table conversations, hear from plenary speakers, presenters, and panelists, and connect with fellow university journals in the DC area, nationally, and internationally. The second annual Student Journal Symposium will be held May 1-2, 2025, as a hybrid event.
The annual GW Ethics in Publishing Conference explores a wide range of ethical issues in publishing. Annual themes have included Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility and Equitable Publishing. Organized and hosted by the Graduate Program in Publishing, College of Professional Studies, George Washington University.
A collection of monographs published in association with GW Publishing.